When is the race?
When is the race?
Sunday 139h November 2023
When is next years race?
When is next years race?
Proposed date for 2023 is 19th November
What time does the race start?
What time does the race start?
The registration on the day opens at 6:00 AM. The race starts at 7:15 AM
How can I enter the race?
How can I enter the race?
First check the Event Details , entries will be open online around July or August
Do all team members have to be at the briefing at the start by the beach?
Do all team members have to be at the briefing at the start by the beach?
No. Only runners need to be at the start, supporters drop them off, there is no parking at start. Other Team members can go straight to their transitions
How can I check my Race Entry has been accepted?
How can I check my Race Entry has been accepted?
Check the Competitors page to check that your entry has been accepted and that the details are correct
I don’t know all the Race Rules?
I don’t know all the Race Rules?
The rules are outlined in the Competitors Brief on the Event Information
What does it cost?
What does it cost?
The cost start from $80 for a youth entry, see Event Information for costs